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Environmental Center at Caumsett State Historic Park

Nassau BOCES has utilized Caumsett State Historic Park for its Outdoor and Environmental Education Program since 1976. The 1600 acres encompass a unique combination of diverse natural habitats: fields, forests, pond, salt marsh and seashore.

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Students touching a giant inflatable globe

Hands-on, interdisciplinary programs come to your school and are now offered virtually! Our in-school programs are designed to provide fun exploratory experiences and develop skills used to support students

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Two young women studying outdoors

The Master's Garage is the site of the Nassau BOCES Environmental Center located at Caumsett State Park. The parks 1600 acres encompass a unique combination of diverse natural habitats and is home to many of the OEE programs.

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Teenagers building with logs outdoors

Social Studies programs give students a hands-on learning experience through participation in Early American craft activities and the nature trail systems. With comparisons to modern day living, this program helps students to develop an appreciation of the colonial lifestyle and comparative technologies.

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People holding onto a large ring

Adventure Education Programs – These activities facilitate personal and interpersonal growth (communication, problem-solving, trust-building, risk-taking, and cooperation). They are excellent choices for sports and work teams, peer counseling groups, at-risk students, teacher in-services, and all groups seeking a strong cooperative experience.

Read More about Team Building
People in a canoe on water in a wooded setting

For a list of BOCES approved vendors, please visit the Local Trip Guide Listing page.  Visiting a site not on the list?  Sites not listed in the Directory may be considered pending prior BOCES approval by calling our office at 516-396-2264.

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Get to Know Us at Outdoor Education

Outdoor and environmental education allows students and adults to become mindful and informed about the natural world through experiential learning. Our outdoor classrooms support academic and social skills while learning from the natural world.